For professionals

For professionals

We recognise that the work of professionals surrounding the ill child and their family, or who work with people facing loss, can be emotionally demanding.  This can have both personal and professional effects.  In response to this we have developed a support package specifically designed to meet professionals’ needs.

“Your support and kindness was invaluable and much more appreciated by all…with your guidance we were able to be supportive of the girls and answer questions where needed and stand back where needed.”
Head Teacher of a primary school


Facilitated reflection on issues around this emotive area of work


We have a full programme of training available including; working with families facing loss, communication and listening skills.


For teams where a critical incident has occurred.



For when personal issues are reactivated


Our facilitated groups provide the time and space to talk through the emotional toll of working with loss.

Get in touch

Contact our Support Team on 01689 889 889 or for more information.